We’re extremely pleased to announce our new GeoSync Cluster hosting. A GeoSync Cluster is a fully automated, three-VPS cluster of servers spread across three data centers, in three different time zones. If one data center goes offline your web site’s traffic will be automatically redirected to the remaining data centers, ensuring no downtime. It is the ultimate hosting platform for those seeking redundancy, reliability, and ease-of-use.
Is this GeoSync Cluster hard to use?
No! If you are a web site user (i.e. WordPress, Joomla, custom code, etc) or developer and your web site is hosted on our GeoSync Cluster service you might actually not notice the difference between it and regular hosting. The service is fully automated (and amazing!) and comes with managed support if issues or questions arise.
How does it work?
We setup three SmartVPSs for your website; one in our Taos data center, one in a Los Angeles data center, and one in a New York data center. Then we migrate your web site into this cluster and configure MariaDB Cluster and Filesync Cluster instances that automatically sync your web sites files and database data between the data centers in near real-time, which ensure that your site is the same in all three locations, at all times. Finally, we configure DNS so that an outage to any one of the SmartVPSs will result in all traffic being automatically routed away from the downed location. When the outage is over the SmartVPS that was removed from the cluster pool automatically re-syncs its file system and data base data, rejoins the cluster, and DNS then includes it again in the traffic load balancing rotation.
Does this work with WordPress?
Oh yeah, it works great with WordPress as well as just about any type of hosted web site, web site CMS (Joomla, Drupal, etc), or custom coded web site.
Is this for everyone?
Nope! If your website has a ton of small files that are being written to very frequently this is not the service for you. If your developer requires root access, this is also not the service for you. This is also not a service for Node.js applications.
Does this work with git?
Yes! But with caveats. Like all file syncing protocols where file changes are validated and then synced across distance there is some latency (0 to 3 seconds.) Git unfortunately demands zero latency as git uses a lot of fast, temporary files in order to determine the current status of your repository. The work-around is for us to help you configure your web site so that your git code repository is outside of the auto-file sync directories. i.e. Git code would live in one directory while user generated content directories would be auto-synced in another directory. You’ll then pull your git code to each SmartVPS, or better yet, configure auto git pulls so that code releases are automatically deployed to each SmartVPS. This is actually a lot easier than it sounds and we can help walk you through the setup and process.
Is it scalable?
Yes, absolutely! Just like our standalone SmartVPSs our GeoSync Clusters can scale from 2GBs of memory with 1 CPU to 72GBs of memory with with 18 CPUs per SmartVPS (there are three in a cluster.) Upgrades and downgrades can be manually enabled via our Dashboard and applied within minutes or AutoScale can be enabled to detect high load events and do this for you.
How much does it cost?
Prices start at $99.80 per month per web site for a GeoSync Cluster with three SmartVPSs with 2GB of RAM and 1 CPU on each. Cost increases as your SmartVPSs resources are scaled up, but the base level cluster will handle a web site with a decent amount of traffic. There is also a $199.00 one-time migration fee.
How do I get started?
Just contact us and let us know that you are interested. We’ll review your site to ensure compatibility and if everything checks out we’ll coordinate a day and time to migrate your web site into your new GeoSync SmartVPS cluster. We are migration specialists and there will be no downtime. And we can work with any developers that you may have working with you to ensure a smooth transition.