Proxmox Mail Gateway

We’re converting our first-layer of spam protection from straight spamassassin gateways to Proxmox Mail Gateways and I’ve gotta say, the conversion has been magically easy and results have fantastically pleasing. We use these gateways to pre-scan all incoming email for spam and viruses before passing those emails on to our email customers.

Proxmox Mail Gateway uses a wide variety of local and network tests to identify spam mail. Here is a short list of used filtering methods:

Receiver Verification

Many of the junk messages reaching our network are emails to non-existent users. Proxmox Mail Gateway detects these emails on the SMTP level, before they are transferred to your network. This reduces the traffic to be analyzed for spam and viruses by up to 90% and reduces the working load on your mail servers and scanners.

Sender policy framework (SPF)

Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is an open standard for validating emails and preventing sender IP address forgery. SPF allows the administrator of an internet domain to specify which computers are authorized to send emails with a given domain, by creating a specific SPF record in the Domain Name System (DNS).

DNS-based Blackhole List

A DNS-based Blackhole List (DNSBL) is a means by which an internet site may publish a list of IP addresses, in a format which can be easily queried by computer programs on the Internet. The technology is built on top of the Domain Name System. DNSBLs are used to publish lists of addresses linked to spamming.

SMTP Whitelist

Exclude senders from SMTP blocking. To prevent all SMTP checks (Greylisting, Receiver Verification, SPF and DNSBL) and accept all emails for analysis in the filter rule system, you can add the following to this list: Domains (Sender/Receiver), Mail address (Sender/Receiver), Regular Expression (Sender/Receiver), IP address (Sender), IP network (Sender).

Bayesian Filter – Automatically trained statistical filters

Certain words have a higher probability of occurring in spam emails than in legitimate emails. By being trained to recognize those words, the Bayesian filter checks every email and adjusts the probabilities of it being a spam word or not in its database. This is done automatically.

Black- and Whitelists

Black- and Whitelists are an access control mechanism to accept, block, or quarantine emails to recipients. This allows you to tune the rule-system by applying different objects like domains, email address, regular expression, IP Network, LDAP Group, and others.

Auto-learning algorithm

Proxmox Mail Gateway gathers statistical information about spam emails. This information is used by an auto-learning algorithm, meaning the system becomes smarter over time.

Spam URI Real-time Block List (SURBL)

SURBLs are used to detect spam, based on the URIs in the message body (usually websites). This makes them different from most other Real-time Blocklists, because SURBLs are not used to block spam senders. SURBLs allow you to block messages that have spam hosts which are mentioned in message bodies.


Greylisting an email means that unknown senders are intentionally temporarily rejected. Since temporary failures are part of the specifications for mail delivery, a legitimate server will try to resend the email later on. Spammers, on the other hand, do not queue and reattempt mail delivery. A greylisted email never reaches your mail server and thus your mail server will not send useless “Non Delivery Reports” to spammers. Additionally, greylisted mail is not analyzed by the antivirus and spam-detector engines, which saves resources.

A mail is greylisted if it is the first mail from a sender to a receiver coming from a particular IP network. You can configure which IP addresses belong to the same network, by setting an appropriate netmask for greylisting.

SMTP Protocol Tests

Postfix is able to do some sophisticated SMTP protocol tests (see man postscreen). Most spam is sent out by zombies (malware on compromised end-user computers), and those zombies often try to maximize the amount of mails delivered. In order to do that, many of them violate the SMTP protocol specification and thus can be detected by these tests.

Before and After Queue Filtering

Proxmox Mail Gateway can be configured to either accept the mail, by sending a response of 250 OK, and scan it afterwards, or alternatively inspect the mail directly after it has the content and respond with a reject 554 if the mail is blocked by the rule system. These options are known as After Queue and Before Queue filtering respectively (see Before and After Queue Scanning).

Configurable NDR policy

In certain environments, it can be unacceptable to discard an email, without informing the sender about that decision. You can decide whether you want to inform the senders of blocked emails or not.

1.2.2. Virus detection

Proxmox Mail Gateway integrates ClamAV®, which is an open-source (GPL) antivirus engine, designed for detecting Trojans, viruses, malware, and other malicious threats.

It provides a high performance, multi-threaded scanning daemon, command-line utilities for on demand file scanning, and an intelligent tool for automatic signature updates.

About Oban

Oban manages the Brownrice Internet staff, keeps the network humming, and chases his wife and twin boys around during his time off.