The “Oban Talks Hackers 2011 New Mexico Tour” continues this Friday, June 3rd at the prestigious Hotel don Fernando de Taos at 11:30am.
Its $15 for Taos Chamber of Commerce members to attend and $20 for non-members. Note that this loot doesn’t line my pockets, it goes toward the fantastic hotel lunch that you’ll be served while I dissect how hackers will get into your site and make your life miserable. The details about the talk are here: http://www.chambermaster.com/directory/jsp/events/EventPage.jsp?ccid=80&eventid=8511
Please RSVP to Steve Fuhlendorf at steve@taoschamber.com.
If enough people RSVP we’ll do a live webcast of this event as well. i.e. It’ll be blacked out just like a big sporting event unless it sells out locally, so RSVP!
~ Oban
Well, how did it work out?
Would have liked to have made it, though I’m pretty well versed already. Would have still be interesting to hear a fellow lulz-defender speak though. :-)
Hi Jeff,
It went well. We’ll have a copy of the presentation online in the next couple of days for people that missed and while they were fighting lulz and/or running errands.
~ Oban