After a full year in development and testing Brownrice Internet has just released our revolutionary VPS Auto-TuneService.
What is VPS Auto-Tune and why do you need it?
One of the secrets of hosting companies and systems administrators world-wide is that web and database servers that are left in their default configurations run horribly slow.
Both positions are full-time, on-site positions in our Taos offices and are available for the right candidates to start immediately. If you know of someone that may be interested feel free to forward them this email. They can send their resume
Level 2 Hosting Tech Support
– $30k to $60k per year with benefits.
– In addition to experience with hosting this person must have great phone and email skills as well as real-work HTML/PHP and Linux experience.
Web Programmer with Sysadmin Skills
– $40k to $100k per year with benefits.
– Must be very strong and experienced with PHP/MySQL/JavaScript and the Linux command line.
We are actively seeing Joomla customer sites on our servers being hacked. Once the hackers hack your site they’ll send pornographic spam emails, attack visitors to your site, and steal your customer data. So its imperative that you contact your developer now and apply the patch in the link above.
Spamming has become a huge international business and many very smart spammers are using a massive array of sophisticated tools to get spam delivered to inboxes. Our Spamassassin install, which we’d using for about 10 years to block spam from our users inboxes, and configured the way we had it configured, was just no longer keeping up. It was time for something more effective.
(Don’t get me wrong, Spamassassin is likely fantastic if you can configure and utilize its per-user Bayesian learning, which we couldn’t do because of the way our clustered mail servers are configured.)
The Choices
My goal was to find Open Source, anti-spam software that would allow us to provide per-user learning and that I could squeeze into our existing mail cluster. The keys were that the solution had to be 1) really effective at identifying spam and 2) configurable so that our users with IMAP accounts could drag spammy messages into mail folders to train it. i.e. Sending spam email to a special address or logging into a web site to mark spam wasn’t going to cut it. It had to be really, really easy to use and it had to work via IMAP folders.
Just another year of practically perfect network uptime. How many 9’s was it exactly? I dunno. However, this is really getting redundant as its happening every year – Our 2014 uptime was once again somewhere around 99.9999%.
Speaking of uptime, in case you aren’t aware, our network is “fiber-cut proof.” What does that mean? Two of our upstream connections are via large capacity fiber optic cables, while our third is via high capacity, high speed microwave radios (the exact same technology that high speed financial traders use). So if our two fiber cables get cut we can push all of our traffic through our backup microwave connection, and your site and email don’t miss a beat.